Teacher Favorites and Amazon Wish Lists
Click on a name to see his/her list of favorites and links to Amazon Wish Lists.
Tom Higdon-Principal
Lauren Cluck-Assistant Principal
Catherine Lisle-Library/Media
Natalie Rychecky-Library Assistant
Star Gomez-Wellness
Jessica Tate-Music
Rebecca Loomis-Music
Marnie Horn-GATE
Beth Houts-GATE (third grade)
Jalene Hawkins-Art
Steven Fletcher-Computer Science
Becky Shryock-Counselor (K-2)
Allie Nobles-Counselor (3-5)
Hailey Dioguardi-Psychologist
Rachael Pletan-Secretary
Jessica Pierce-Secretary
Tammy Unruh-Secretary
Robin Strickland-Nurse
Johanna Briz-Health Aide
Ashley Austin-Speech
Erin Darr-Speech
Kristen Stranger-Speech
Anne Baum-White-Cafeteria Manager
Randa Brooks-Cafeteria
Dalia Gomez-Charry-Cafeteria
Wanti Gaige-Cafeteria
Melody Hunter-Cafeteria
LaDora Roberts-Lunch Monitor
Kenna Pipes-Lunch Monitor
Kathy Bos-Lunch Monitor
Rebecca McGowan-Lunch Monitor
Steven Green-Head Custodian
Ken Wallace-Assistant Custodian
Luz Lopez-Custodian
Victoria Martinez-Gonzalez-Custodian
Richard Christian-Custodian
Leigh Cobb-Special Ed
-Special Ed.
Candy Owens-Special Ed.
Alyssa McCook-Special Ed.
Tina Ross-Special Ed.
Beverley Farris-PreK
Jennifer Granger-PreK
Michelle Jalbert-PreK
Jennifer Downing-PreK Teacher Assistant
Donna Bebout-PreK Teacher Assistant
Jenni Williston-PreK Teacher Assistant
Nicole Carpenter-Kindergarten
Linda Clampitt-Kindergarten A
Halley Leonard-Kindergarten
Alyssa Siler-Kindergarten
Allison White-Kindergarten
Sara Brown-First Grade
Baylee Drieling-First Grade
Karlee Foxx-First Grade
Brittany Kosmala-First Grade
Jade Rodriguez-First Grade
Nikki Spence-First Grade
Katy Boyle-Second Grade
Megan Jungers-Second Grade
Stephanie Kelly-Second Grade
Hannah Morgan-Second Grade
Megan Rose-Second Grade
Ash Steedman-Second Grade
Lori Billy-Third Grade
Lisa Campbell-Third Grade
Ashley Currat-Third Grade
Angie Diaz-Third Grade
Andrea Thompson-Third Grade
Mandy Whaley-Third Grade
Katherine Cole-Fourth Grade
Kristy Dale-Fourth Grade
Tori Kitchel-Fourth Grade
Melanie Lawrence-Fourth Grade
Paige Schmiedeberg-Fourth Grade
Jennifer Wiebers-Fourth Grade
Cayden Barth-Fifth Grade
Marietta Caldwell-Fifth Grade
Olivia Evans-Fifth Grade
Karon Fitzgerald-Fifth Grade
Allison Moore-Fifth Grade
Myra Smith-Fifth Grade
Michael Nesbitt-Sign Language Interpreter
Kelli Borrell-Physical Therapy
Jamie Sneed-EL
Barbara Gallucci-COTA
Jina Stoddart-Occupational Therapy
Special Ed. Teacher Assistants:
Peggy Reynolds-Corral Co-Director
Dianna Clark--Corral Co-Director