Mission, Vision, and Values

Chisholm Mission
To impact and empower our community of learners to be responsible, productive citizens.
Chisholm Vision
All Chisholm students will be proficient learners at grade level or above and will exhibit positive character traits that will enable them to be responsible and productive members of society.
Provide differentiated instruction to meet the learning needs for all children.
Recognize that children are developmentally different and learn at individual rates of speed.
Provide learning opportunities which strengthen and enrich the whole child (i.e. social, eotional, physical, as well as academic.)
Create a safe, nurturing environment in which students will be able to experience success.Realize that a child’s success and growth is a team effort involving parents, teachers, and students.
Chisholm Value Statements
We will:
Create opportunities for students to work at concrete, conceptual, and abstract levels of problem-solving.
Increase the use of technology as a tool for the student to be able to access information manipulate data, synthesize concepts, communicate with others, collaborate on problem-solving, and creatively express ideas to others.
Continue to offer opportunities for students to gain an understanding and appreciation for the Fine Arts.
Show student advancements in physical skills, creative thinking, decision-maiking, respect for cultural diversity, and healthy living.