Before/After Care Program
Chisholm Corral
Chisholm Corral is a before/after care program for prek-fifth grade Chisholm students. Parents can enroll their child for the morning session, afternoon session, or both sessions. The program operates on the same schedule as the Edmond Public Schools school year calendar. A weekly payment chart is shown below. Cash and check payments can be made at Corral’s check in/out desk or credit card payments can be done online at the InTouch website. Also, payment history can be seen at the InTouch site using the student’s EPS number.
Please contact Peggy Reynolds or Dianna Clark if you would like to enroll your child.
Email Chisholm Corral Department
Drop-ins are welcome if it is prearranged with the director and openings are available.
The upcoming school year’s enrollment will be determined beginning in April. Priority goes to currently enrolled students and siblings. Then, as openings allow, parents on the waiting list will be contacted in order of sign up. (Please contact Peggy Reynolds/Dianna Clark at chisholm.corral@edmondschools.net if you would like to be added to this list.) A Child Information form must also be completed at the time of enrollment.

Parent Information
Further Information about Tuition Policies for Early Start Before/After Care Programs
The Edmond before/after care programs run in conjunction with the Edmond Public Schools academic calendar. Programs will be closed during all scheduled breaks (i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, snow days, etc.)
Tuition is calculated for the scheduled days and times for which your child is enrolled. Refunds and/or reductions will not be made for illnesses, absences, and other activities.
Payment may be made with check, cash, or credit/debit card (online). Nonpayment can result in the loss of your child’s spot in the before/after care program.
Payment records are available here. (view fees due, make credit/debit card payments, print receipts, print tax information) or upon request.
In the event school is closed due to a holiday, snow day, etc., you will not be charged for that day. For example, if your child is enrolled five days and school is only open four days, you will be charged the four-day rate on the payment scale. Any credit due for a cancelled school day (such as a snow day) will be reflected in the following month’s statement.
A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for any child remaining after the Before/After Care program closes for the day at 5:30 pm.
Tuition is calculated on a weekly basis running Monday through Friday. The weekly tuition schedules below show the amounts charged for the three categories: before care only, after care only, and both (before and after care). Your child’s tuition amount is then calculated based on how many days your child is enrolled to attend each week.
For example:
A child enrolled all five days for both before and after care would normally be charged $114 every week. However, if school is only in session Tuesday through Friday of a particular week, the tuition would be the four day rate of $99 since care is only offered four days that week.
Oftentimes, the school year begins in the middle of the week. Therefore, the number of days of school in the first week will determine the rate charged. If school begins on Wednesday, a child enrolled for all five days (both before and after) would only be charged the three day rate of $80 (instead of the five day rate of $114) since the program is only open Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of that initial week.
If a child is discontinuing enrollment and a refund for a partial week attended is necessary, the following procedure will be followed. The amount paid for that week will have the attended day rate subtracted from it. For example, if five days were paid ($114) but the child only attended three days ($80), then the family would be refunded $34. ($114—$80 = $34)
Please visit with the before/after care directors if you have any questions or need further clarification.
Before School Session: 7:00 am – 8:20 am
After School Session: 3:45 pm – 5:30 pm

Email Dianna Clark And Peggy Reynolds