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Flag and Mascots

Chisholm Flag

To celebrate Chisholm’s 20th anniversary, Principal Debbie Williams held a contest for any kindergartner through fifth grader who would like to design Chisholm’s flag.  The entries were narrowed down to five choices, and the students and faculty voted on their favorite flag.  Fourth grader Lindsay Fleetwood’s blue and gold design featuring a horse in the middle with the year 1977 next to it won and hung proudly for many years in front of the school.

news clipping

Chisholm Mascots at Charge-Up

Chargie Pride

On the same day that Chisholm’s  flag was unveiled, Chargie the horse mascot was also introduced to the school.  Will Rogers Elementary School was the only other elementary school in the district that had a costumed mascot.  The costume was made by parent Tom Goforth.  A fifth grade student was selected to wear the mascot costume each time Chargie made an appearance at Charge-Up and other special events.  After serving many years and bringing Chisholm spirit to the school, Chargie decided it was time to retire.  Below is a postcard the school received from Chargie soon after he retired.  Luckily, for the school, Chargie has made a few trips back to the school for special events.

Dear Chisholm Chargers,

Aloha from sunny Hawaii!  I flew over here last week using the ticket you all gave me.  It’s beautiful here with lots of fun things to do.  I have especially enjoyed just relaxing by the pool here at the hotel for these first few days.  I plan to tour a pineapple factory, spend some time on the beach, go to a luau, and spend some more time on the beach just kicking up my hooves, watching the surf, the sunset…you get the idea! In spite of all these beautiful places, I really miss seeing all of your smiling faces.  I hope your last few days of school are awesome!  Mrs. Graham, be very careful when you ride that charger around the walking trail.  Some of those young colts can be a bit frisky!  Take good care of C.J.  I’m sure he’s been doing a great job as your new mascot.  Have a great summer!                                     

           –Love, Chargie 

School info

Chargie Junior (CJ)

Upon Chargie’s retirement, Chisholm received a new mascot–Chargie Junior, otherwise known as CJ.  The students have continued to enjoy the tradition of having a horse mascot join them weekly for Charge-Up.

Chargie (Chargetta)

With CJ’s departure to join Chargie in Hawaii in May of 2016, students and faculty were introduced to Chargetta who will go by Chargie.

