fourth grade students playing the ukulele

The Chisholm fourth graders were hosts to their families and friends during the Family Fun Night that spotlighted their specials classes. Artwork was displayed on desktops in their homeroom classrooms. Meanwhile, computer science skills were shown in the media center with robots, coding, and the 3D printer. Music skills were performed with singing and ukuleles in the cafeteria while dance movement engaged the whole family in the gym. What a fun evening for all!

families looking at student artworkstudents coding on chromebooksfamilies coding with the robotic mousefamilies coding with the robotic mousefamilies coding with the robotic mousefamilies coding with the robotic mousefamilies coding with the robotic mousefamilies coding with the robotic mousefamilies coding with the robotic mousea student coding with the robotic mousefamilies dancing a folk dancefamilies dancing a folk dancefamilies dancing a folk dancefamilies dancing a folk dancefamilies dancing a folk dancefamilies dancing a folk danceCole's class playing the ukuleles.Kitchel's class playing the ukuleles.Lawrence's class playing the ukuleles.Wieber's class playing the ukuleles.